Mark Zuckerburg Doesn’t Use Facebook as a Toy, Neither Should You

5 min readMay 10, 2017

In 2017, social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and SnapChat are increasingly becoming a part of our normal routines and our daily lives.

The number of users using each of these social media platforms on a monthly basis is below:

So, I often wonder who made the rule that Social Media should be used as just a game? Or some sort of way “to simply pass time”?

Technology has always been an unbelievably powerful tool to use for various tasks. My sons use technology in their school as part of their education. My family saves money each month due to media streaming and turning off our expensive cable.

Of course, I am an IT Professional and have worked in the IT field for 17 years. This might make me a bit biased towards how awesome information technology is. But, it’s true. I’m always shocked at how little people take advantage of search engines, social media and all the information technology that’s all around them to further enhance their lives.




Mompreneur. Writer. Web & Graphics Designer. Activist. Entrepreneur. CEO. Black in Tech. Educator. Millennial. Seeker of Truth. World Topics Discussed in Black